I absolutely had no ideas that doulas existed until I was 8 months pregnant with my first. The family I worked for (providing respite care for their daughter) threw me a baby shower. This was more of a Mother’s Blessing rather than a typical baby shower. They invited many mothers from the super small town on the lost coast of northern California. All of the mothers in attendance gave birth at home and some were midwives and doulas. It was a world I never thought about or knew existed. As I shared how I imagined my birth would go, I was met with much more realistic true stories of birth. My hour-long labor that would be hard for a few minutes started seeming like that may not be an accurate prediction for my upcoming birth.

At the shower, one of the women gifted me and my husband a Birthing from Within childbirth class that she taught. My friend (who through the party for me) gifted me doula support. I was CERTAIN that I wouldn’t need it, but I of course was so appreciative of the gift.

My Birth Story

One week later and 3 weeks before my “due date” I began leaking amniotic fluid! I was not prepared. Like many people who are not prepared, I went to the hospital and they admitted me. I was not in labor and not feeling contractions (although they were able to see contractions on the monitor). The hospital wanted to keep me there. I did not know much at that point so of course I excitedly stayed.

I called my doula (who I originally didn’t think I would need!) and shared what happening. She guided me through the situation and helped me make any decisions. Once I started to feel the contractions, I got scared. She came to support me through them.

It was a LONG labor of 42 hours! There were many wrenches thrown in: starting with my leaking amniotic fluid, continuing with staying at 3 cm. for 41 hours, and going from 3 cm to holding my baby in one hour. That’s actually how my second birth went as well (but with a 24-hour labor instead of 42 hours).

I wanted to share this story because like many, my love for doulas came unexpectedly through the birth of my first daughter. Without my doula, I would have had an un-necessary cesarean birth rather than an unmedicated vaginal birth. The comfort, in-the-moment information, and reassurance that this is normal allowed me to be comfortable, confident and trust my body.

Not ONE other person in the room was offering this to me. It was a game changer in every aspect

Being a doula is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling careers for so many reasons. Here are my top five reasons why I love being a birth doula.

1. Birth doulas change birth outcomes

birth doula training

Yes, birth can be unpredictable. We cannot change all birth outcomes, but in many births, we can help families understand their options and choices. This allows families to have more control, which leads to better birth outcomes. We are also the eyes and ears in the birth room and we can help families advocate for themselves. This can absolutely help keep families in a safer place.

2. Birth doulas empower families to trust themselves and to trust birth

birth doula training

This is such a gift that we are able to provide families. As doulas we know birth can be hard. But we also know that women are strong! With the correct supports, they can achieve their birthing goals in most situations. So many families share the sentiment that their doula was the only person they felt fully supported by outside of their partner.

3. Birth doulas have a positive perspective on birth

birth doula training

This goes hand and hand with #2, but it stands alone because of its importance. Birth doulas believe birth to be a life event and, in most situations, a non-medical event. This is a HUGE gift we offer to families, nurses, doctors and the medical field as a whole.

4. Birth doulas witness birth

birth doula training

Witnessing a baby enter this world NEVER loses its magic. It is always incredible and always amazing. There is something transformative, inspiring, exciting and miraculous that happens at every single birth. Witnessing this incredible life moment is so fulfilling! Knowing that we helped make it more positive is the cherry on top. It is so magical. 

5. Birth doulas support families so they can enter parenthood in a positive way

birth doula training

This is HUGE. Families are about to embark on a challenging and overwhelming time. If we can support families to enter this time feeling empowered and proud rather than defeated and fearful, we are giving them a priceless gift. It is such an honor to support families. Our support not only improves birth outcomes, but also improves postpartum outcomes. We are a source of strength and calm for so many families.  

Learn more about all of my upcoming birth doula trainings here.

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