It seems like I was destined for the life of a business owner! Risk, adventure, the excitement of the unknown and the ability to say yes to all of it without hesitation!

The more I learn about being an entrepreneur, the more I realize this was my destiny. Entrepreneurs often thrive in chaos and are natural risk takers. Ideas are excitement!

Growing up

italian family

Growing up in a close knit Italian family of 7, and an extended family of 120 was wild! Chaos was intertwined in every moment of our day. This wasn’t the kind of chaos that you may be thinking. This chaos was busy, laughter and love filled!

BIG family and BIG personalities! 

For as long as I had any freedom, I always said yes! Looking back, I often feel grateful that I had so many interesting experiences and nothing horrible ever happened. I let life and interactions move me and change my direction. Spending a lot of my life being open to new influences let me experience something new each day- I often experienced surprises. Knowing who I am and but being open to change and experiences has really shaped my life.

A commitment to happiness and saying yes

anna rodney say yes

A commitment to self-happiness and doing something important led me to switching careers multiple times! The year I finished my Master’s Degree in Education was the year I quit teaching and opened Chicago Family Doulas, my doula business! I chose passion over stability, but I believed in myself so it did not feel risky!

Being an entrepreneur requires many skills and many qualities that would be hard to learn. The willingness to say yes is essential! Learn more about growing your business here.

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