I discovered this career as a postpartum doula as many do (through birth). Becoming a labor doula was also never in my plans, but I will share more about that a later time. I became a labor doula first because that was the only thing I knew about.

Learning About Postpartum Doulas

I was at my first home birth only 6 months into my doula career when one of the midwives asked if I was also a postpartum doula. At the time, I didn’t know they existed. She said all the things I was doing to care for the family were things that postpartum doulas do. Things like cooking a meal for a family, tidying up, laundry, settling them in with baby, helping with baby so they can rest, and overall supporting in all the ways needed. I replied with “I didn’t realize there was a training for that, but I know I would LOVE adding that to my business as I absolutely find the magic in caring for families during this incredible time.”

I returned from the birth and immediately started researching trainings. One month later, I took a training and added that to my offerings. Adding that to my business was the absolute best thing I could have done and it is honestly the number one reason I was able to stay in this field and grow my business. Postpartum Doulas are on VERY high demand, ALWAYS. Everyone needs support with their new baby and their new life. I love so many things about this work, but here are my top 5 things!

1. The Support Provided

postpartum doula

This is the most amazing and the most challenging time period for a family. Supporting them so they can enjoy this time is something that is fulfilling and so rewarding. Families are so appreciative that we are there to support and care for them and their family. We can be a guide and a teacher, which is a huge relief for them. Our role is to support a family until they feel confident enough to be independent. Postpartum doulas are invaluable.

2. The Connection

postpartum doula

We help families to connect and understand their baby so they can better care for their baby and feel less stress about parenting. Many families even if they have read books, taken classes, and have a supportive family still feel overwhelmed by the learning curve and the pressure of getting to know their baby. As a postpartum doula we know what is normal, common, healthy, needed, etc. for baby.

We are with a family integrating what we know in a supportive and non-judgmental way. Our goal is for the family to connect with their baby and get in a grove or routine that works best for them. This is a gift for the entire family including their baby. We are helping families meet their baby’s needs quickly.

3. Newborn Snuggles

anna rodney newborn snuggles

Caring for a brand-new baby is truly amazing and heavenly. There is nothing like it. Once most people realize that being a postpartum doula exists, they feel they hit the jack pot in life. I hear from half of the doulas I train that they had no idea there was a career where they could be paid for snuggling babies. It feels like a dream job for many.

4. Flexible Schedule

anna rodney newborn snuggles

One thing I absolutely love about this work was the flexible schedule. When I started this career, I had a 6-month-old baby and I was able to work full time and replace my teachers salary without needing childcare and without missing full days with my baby. I was caring for families as an overnight postpartum doula and working 3-4 nights a week.

Half the time my baby and eventually my toddlers didn’t even realize I was gone. I was very used to being up at night with my babies, so caring for another family’s baby overnight felt easy and so rewarding. I would go home and spend quality time with my family and nap during their nap time. It felt like I had actual time with my family, which was not how I felt when I was teaching. Also, once kids are school age, working during the day while they are at school is another easy way to optimize your time with them. Essentially you are your own boss whether you work for yourself or work for an agency and you can set your own hours.

5. The Huge Demand

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There is a HUGE demand. If your goal is to have a busy doula career and it isn’t happening with births only, then this is your answer. There are so many families who are seeking postpartum support and you can find the work. Doula agencies always seem to be hiring postpartum doulas because there is always a huge demand.

Also, now that workplaces are offering a postpartum doula benefit, the demand for a certified doula is also increased drastically. When I started in this career, I had no idea that postpartum support would be close to 80% of my business. When I started Chicago Family Doulas, I thought we would mostly be supporting families with birth and offering some postpartum support to those families. However, the demand for postpartum support truly shifted and continues to grow. Many doulas who are aiming to shift careers to work as a full-time doula find a path through birth and postpartum doula work and possibly teaching childbirth and baby classes to expecting families.

I hope this helps shine a little bit more light on postpartum doula work in general and also how it can greatly help you grow your own business!

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