I started my doula agency 10 years ago and at the time it was a solo practice. I often reflect about the amazing business that Chicago Family Doulas has become and I feel so much pride and excitement. We make such an incredible impact on families in the Chicagoland area with birth and postpartum and our reach has now expanded nationally with our sister business Birth and Baby University. I have learned so much about myself, others and business over the years and here are my top 10 lessons.

Here are my tips:

. … Be kind. It is simple, but I attribute 90% of my success to being kind. I care about others and truly worry about them. I care about the families we have the honor of supporting and I worry about the doulas and want to keep them busy.  

2. Be Flexible. Owning a business has many unexpected turns for good and for bad and it is so important to be willing to go with the flow.

3. Know who you are! This is a hard lesson that I have fine tuned over the years. I know who I am, I know how I treat people and even with being kind I still have families and doulas who have not liked me over the years and that is ok. You can not be liked by everyone.

4. It is YOUR business. Not everyone will agree with the decisions you make for your business and that is OK. It is your business and you need to trust yourself and believe in yourself enough to do what YOU think is best for your business.

5. Trust yourself. You will have to trust yourself and your ideas of what is right and wrong and what is best for yourself and your business. You will learn this lesson many times.

6. Trust the process. Owning a business is scary and there will be many moments where you doubt yourself and you will let fear take over. Worrying that maybe it won’t work or isn’t working. You will have to stop this and think positive. You you don’t believe in your business then how will you convince others to believe in it.

7. Have a mantra. I have a few including: “It always works out”, “It is what it is” and “I know who I am.” I say all of these in my mind or out loud multiple times a day. These help me to not worry and to move on with my day.

8. Keep moving. Do not get stuck with a worry. Keep figuring out problems, ideas, growing, etc.

9. There will be growing pains! Starting, owning and growing a business is so hard and so rewarding. I compare it to having and raising children. There will be moments of easy and there will be moments of hard. When it’s hard you will have to change and figure it out and when it is easy be appreciative while looking ahead so that you can plan for the next growth.

10. Have a vision. As an entrepreneur you need to have a vision and you need to continue to let the vision grow. Your vision will transform over time and as long as you keep your excitement and positivity for what you are doing you will be in a great place.

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